A New Final Fantasy 7 for 2020?

Square Enix continues to bait us with another Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer. This time, it’s Cloud in a dress!

“True Beauty is an expression of the heart, a thing without shame, to which the notions of gender don’t apply”

In the original game, the Honey Bee Inn scene was played for laughs with a cartoonish Don Corneo bouncing around accompanied by springboard sound effects. It seems that Square Enix has something different to say in this remake, “True Beauty is an expression of the heart, a thing without shame, to which the notions of gender don’t apply”, states the owner of the Honey Bee Inn.

Red XIII is Back

Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer shows new Red XIII
Red XIII and his new tail

A horde of recognizable characters are back such as Nanaki (Red XIII) and Shinra employees Palmer, Scarlet and Professor Hojo. This trailer also revealed Reeve Tuesti, the man behind the rickety cat-robot Cait Sith but not kitty bot itself.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer reveals Reeve Tuesti
Reeve wears his cat on his sleeve?

Roche vs Cloud

Roche wants a rematch!

Some new storylines were also teased, namely with Roche, a Soldier 3rd Class character. In the trailer, a completely pissed off Roche demands a rematch with Cloud in the middle of what appears to be Avalanche’s first mission with him. This definitely was not the first time that they’ve bumped into each other before.

Being a diehard Final Fantasy 7 fans, we were extremely stoked to see more details such as more gameplay footage and summons such as Leviathan in action. Also, the game’s new theme song, “Hollow” composed by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu was introduced in this trailer. It had vocals by Yosh from the band Survive Said the Propet.

The hype is real!

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has a new release date on April 10 for PlayStation 4 (Originally March 3rd). We can’t wait any longer so just take our money!