ServerDNA 3 – CaseModders Summit 2018


Last year, we were invited to ServerDNA 2 by ServerWare and it was a pretty sweet event. There were a lot of unique casemods on display including Mod N Go’s now famous Iron Man Cooler Master mod. This year, MOBHouse Productions has been designated as the official media partner for ServerDNA 3 and they kicked things off with the CaseModders Summit yesterday.

After a brief welcome by ServerWare Program Director – Wong Kay Vin, the representatives from Seagate, Acer, AMD and In Win each presented their company’s Roadmaps. All parties expressed their interests to help support and grow the PC Modding community in Malaysia.


The rest of the event included presentations from local modders and community leaders:
1. Irie Ahmad (Mod N Go) – Journey to professionalism
2. Syafiq Hamman (Hamman Chronicles) – Applied engineering
3. Chris Chang (Rextech) – Monetising case mods
4. Rupern Chiu (Serverware) – Performance and Memory Hierarchy
5. Shane Tan (MOBHouse Productions) – Social Media for Businesses

Finally, a huddle session was held in the meeting room where the guests discussed about all the concerns and expectations about the future of PC modding in Malaysia. Essentially, everyone agreed that we should work together as a community to help set up a better online and social media platform for local PC modders to collaborate and showcase their work. They elected a temporary committee just to get the ball rolling.