Intel 7nm CPUs Delayed Until At Least 2022

We’ve already caught wind on the multiple delays regarding Intel’s 10nm CPUs. Sadly, it seems like bad news just keep on coming for Intel. In their Q2 2020 earnings report, Intel announced that their 7nm CPUs are delayed (oh no!).

But Why, Intel?

After the numerous delays for their 10nm CPUs, Intel wanted to make up for the delays by pushing forward their 7nm CPUs and releasing them on schedule. They seemed quite confident then. So, what caused the delay?

According to Intel, the delay is due to a “Defect Mode” in the manufacturing process. It caused the production to be trending a year behind its internal roadmap. But, the official delay is only set to be 6 months from the original time to market.

What Happens Now?

If there are no further delays, we should see Intel’s 10nm desktop processors coming out in 2021 with 7nm arriving soonest by 2022.

It’s not all bad news for Intel though. Their Q2 revenue was up 20% year-over-year with $19.7 billion brought in for the company. Intel’s data center and memory divisions are looking great as they have grown substantially.

However, the market didn’t react well to the delay. Intel’s stock price plummeted 17% immediately after the news came out. Meanwhile, their rival AMD gained a 15% boost.

All The Best, Intel!

While Intel might not be everyone’s favorite CPU manufacturer right now, we definitely appreciate a little competition in the market. We will be looking forward to Intel’s future offerings, including their 10nm and 7nm desktop CPUs. Will you be keeping an eye out for these CPUs as well? Let us know!