Monday, May 6, 2024


FOTB S6 (Mobhouse productions)

Couch Potato Suggests: Fresh Off The Boat

Fresh Off The Boat ends at Season 6 Fresh Off The Boat is set in 1995 and based loosely on the life of celebrity chef,...
The Stranger on Netflix (Mobhouse Productions)

Couch Potato Suggests: The Stranger

Netflix's new gripping-edge-of-your-chair drama What's your reaction when you finished the first episode of The Stranger? For me, it...

Multiplayer Mobile Games You Can Play During MCO Extension

Only 15 days left to go until the MCO is lifted, guys. We can do this! How is everyone holding up so far? For...
Parasite (Mobhouse productions)

Couch Potato Suggests: Parasite

"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable," - Cesar Cruz Parasite is a movie about inequality in terms of wealth and the subsequent...